Educating Tomorrow’s Hygienist Today: A New Approach to Biofilm Management in Dental Hygiene Education Part 1 (ON-DEMAND)
Learn the details of Guided Biofilm Therapy and incorporate new methodologies into your curriculum!
Taking the Mystery Out of Dental Coding - On Demand
Learn the codes hygienists use most often, protecting your ethics, and how to separate coding for what the patient needs from what insurance dictates.
[ENDED] SPTCE (Simulated Patient Treatment Clinical Examination) and the CSCE OSCE (Computer Simulated Clinical Examination) latest updates (1CEU)
This course will include a discussion of the mission, and direction of the CDCA-WREB-CITA, and updates on the SPTCE (Simulated Patient Treatment Clinical Examination and the CSCE OSCE (Computer Simulated Clinical Examination)
Clinical Organization and Effective Time Management Skills
Specifically designed for dental hygiene educators, the course content will assist the educator in practical applications for clinical success before, during, and after the clinical session.
Bridging the Gap: Practical Skills in Clinical Remediation
Specifically designed for dental hygiene educators, the course content will assist the educator in practical applications of clinical remediation before, during, and after the clinical session.
The Wise Owl Book Club
Welcome to the Wise Owl Book Club, a place to grow and collaborate as leaders through reading and discussion. The Wise Owl book club will meet quarterly to discuss a selection of leadership books to inspire, engage, and assist the dental hygiene